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Nikolaz Godet
( India )


Nikolaz Godet - Kumbh Mela  Fotografie

The Kumbh Mela is the most sacred of all the pilgrimages in India. Hindu pilgrims purify their inner self through holy bathing rituals in the Ganges river.

Thousands of years ago, gods and demons made a temporary agreement to work together in obtaining the nectar of immortality and to share this equally. However, when the Kumbha (pot) containing the nectar appeared, the demons ran away with the pot and were chased by the gods.

For twelve days and twelve nights (equivalent to twelve human years) the gods and demons fought in the sky for the possession of this pot. It is said that during the battle, drops fell on to four places : Prayag, Haridwar, Ujjain and Nasik. Thus, Kumbha mela is observed at these four locations where the nectar fell.

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Naga Baba.


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