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Nikolaz Godet
( India )


Nikolaz Godet - Forgotten India.  Fotografie

The collection of photography in black and white will bring you in the Aravalli hills of Rajasthan where live in self-sufficiency with the nature 'Adivasi' tribal communities.

In India 'Adivasis', literally meaning 'indigenous people' or 'original inhabitants' are considered to be ati-sudra meaning lower than the untouchable castes. Historically the Adivasis, are at best perceived as sub-humans to be kept in isolation, or as 'primitives' living in remote and backward regions who should be "civilized".

Even today, the upper caste people refer to these peoples as jangli, a derogatory term meaning "those who are like wild animals" - uncivilised or sub-humans.

Forgotten India, is a photographic journey among the tribes of Rajasthan to discover of a beautiful land and the way of life with tribal peoples, captured through the eyes of Nikolaz Godet.

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Forgotten India

Forgotten India

Forgotten India

Forgotten India

Forgotten India


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