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C.S. Lawrence
( Malta )

Dessin; Technique Mixte; Peinture
web site

C.S.Lawrence, of Maltese and Irish descent, was born in East Africa in 1957 and spent an idyllic childhood there before moving to the Middle East in 1969. She studied at St. Martin’s School of Art in London but her art career was put on hold while... Plus

Revues & Commentaires


C.S. Lawrence - Portraits of My Lives
Portraits of My Lives
( Photo 10) 
Commentaire(s) 0 ]

C.S. Lawrence - Mixed bag
Mixed bag
( Photo 2) 
Commentaire(s) 0 ]

C.S. Lawrence - Colorfest Landscapes
Colorfest Landscapes
( Photo 4) 
Commentaire(s) 0 ]

C.S. Lawrence - The Soapbox Section
The Soapbox Section
( Photo 3) 
Commentaire(s) 0 ]



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