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Chris Crewe
( Canada )

Art Digital; Dessin; Technique Mixte; Peinture; Photographie; Impression
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A certain energy is created in my work when I smash down the sledgehammer, continuous energy is trapped bursting forever outward. I like to think of this as free energy, a starting point for you to finish, fresh inspiration with no strings. My abstract... Plus

Revues & Commentaires


Sledgehammer Painting | 2019-03-24 | Chris Crewe |  
de   Chris Crewe

As an artist I am always looking for new mark making tools; Using the sledgehammer over the last few months has reminded me of Chinese brush painting lessons as a child and how difficult the horsetail brush was to use, I spent many hours in frustration practicing to get the perfect mark, using a ground as delicate as rice paper even the slightest bit of excess water could cause ruin a painting or even cause it to fall apart, it is necessary to achieve the mark you need the first time with no room for error. I often pierce the canvas with the sledgehammer when I deliver the final mark to the painting; this leaves a gaping hole which I have learned to live with. Chris Crewe – | 2019 www.ccrewe.com