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Elina Särkkä
( Finland )

Design; Art Digital; Dessin; Mode; Technique Mixte; Peinture; Photographie; Impression; Sculpture


Elina Särkkä - Clockwork orange  Art Digital, Dessin, Technique Mixte, Peinture, Photographie

I liked the film Clockwork Orange. Some people here has all its characters tattooed in their backs.
Because it came out same time that Ronald Reagan won elections over Timothy Leary and MDME method him invented, and which is researched in U.S. again, was turned into drugs (4 example LSD), I have a doubt that film was part of propaganda against his method, which succeed with 99% of patients.
Violence has always be stopped into resources of it, taking care of victims is only cleaning up the mess. Why this good method was dissed out of markets, my opinion is, it was too good. Lot of pharmaseuts, military tech etc would get unemployed, if people would feel good.
Withouth chemistry, method was to show violators the results of their "work", withouth giving option put himself outside of the situation. Well some badass people inspired me to make it a theme here.

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Black Mary

The bitch of Babylon


Human sacrifices

Breaking into your house (Stalker)

Scapegoats, vol 2.

Interior report-Crying apes

Scapegoat from outer space

Black Mary vol 1




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