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Linda Colnett
( United States )

Art Digital; Installation; Technique Mixte; Photographie; Impression; Sculpture


Linda Colnett - Trees From Trash  Installation, Technique Mixte, Sculpture

These trees were created from approximately one week’s worth of junk mail catalogs, a couple of grocery bags, unsolicited credit card offers and the Sunday comics. They are part of a series entitled “Shreds”. The digital prints and small canvases covered in shredded paper are also part of the series. The inspiration came from opening a box I received in the mail and finding the contents packed in shredded hospital documents from somewhere in the Midwest. It brought to my mind all the trees lost to the manufacture of paper used to create things like junk mail and paper products, which are often shredded to protect us from identity theft. This series is a tribute to those lost trees

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Trees from Trash Installation

Trees From Trash#5

Trees from Trash #3

Trees From Trash#2

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Trees from Trash#6

Trees From Trash#7

Trees From Trash#4




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