汤 志刚 (Tang Zhigang)
indescribable night 不可名状的夜晚 布面油彩 oil on canvasl
some scenes let's excited at sometimes有时现场会让人兴奋
Gloomy Spring oil on canvas忧郁的春天`Zhigang Tang
汤志刚 Under Apricot flowers oil on canvas
汤志刚 Chaos Life oil on canvas
Zhigang Tang x Years, x Month, x Day, x Place
汤志刚 The bride of Taking photos
Embrace in the night 汤志刚
汤志刚 落花时节 The Withered the season
Toy cars and flowers1 玩具车与花 1
Busy Assembly 大集会2013 汤志刚 Zhigang Tang