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How to create a Gallery and add new images

Artist e-space & galleries:

We tried to make it easy for you to create galleries, upload pictures, give your descriptions … .
Here some more hints:

After having logged in, you see above of the page : your artist menu

Gallery   Blog   Messages   Lightboxes   Account

1. Click on Gallery
2. Then follow the screen descriptions beside (to the right)

Some hints:
Please upload your pictures as jpeg files. It is really the most adapted online presentation also for your .

The picture file names should not contain special characters or commas or blanks....

Screenshots and online help

Following these screen descriptions shows the artist how to create a new gallery and how to upload pictures.

You can open help also as a second window in FAQ!

After having logged in, you see above of the page : your artist menu

Gallery   Blog   Messages   Lightboxes   Account

Step 1. Click on Gallery
You will see your gallery list screen.

Step 2. Follow these screenshots below: