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sam chilcote
( United States )


sam chilcote - The Clown  Painting

This is an urban legend where a young woman is babysitting at some fancy home and her employers have strict rules about where the tv can be watched so she goes to the room where they tell her she can watch tv but she keeps being creeped out by this clown statue in the corner. So she calls the kid's parents and asks them if she can cover the clown statue in the room. The parents tell her to get the kids and get out. They won't tell her why, so when she gets the kids and gets out she calls the parents back they tell her they don't have a clown statue and that the kids have been saying a clown goes in their room at night and stares at them. The mom just thought they were messing around.

done 08/15/2009

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The Clown




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