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Eduardo Henriques
( Portugal )




Title   Império Português
Artist   Eduardo Henriques
Serie  N/A
Original size  1.83X5.00

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1. Painel Império Português
Consiste em pintura de fundo a óleo, sobre placa MDF. Sobre a qual, pelo sistema de colagem de moedas de diversos valores, tamanhos, metais e cores, o autor constrói as formas pretendidas.
Na construção deste painel foram utilizadas 37.121 moedas. Este painel pela sua dimensão e ineditismo é detentor de recorde mundial passado pelo conceituado Guinness Book of Records, como o maior painel do mundo, referente ao ano de 2000.

With a background oil paiting over MDF, this mural measures 1.83 X 5.00 metres. In the structure of this mural were used 37.121 coins with different values, colours and metals. Coins from Portugal.
In this mural it is possible to view the portuguese map, as wel as the Portuguese stone monument, symbol and distinctive mark of Portugal. In the bottom, at all extension of the mural, the words: from the knowledge to the meeting…in the gathering of cultures… it was the wind in the shinning sales of the portuguese Caravels.
This mural was recognizede with a record in the Guinness Book of records, as being the world´s biggest mural, in 2000.
Medidas do Painel / Measures: 1.83 X 5.00 Metros



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