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Prokop Igor Eugen
( Hungary )

Design; Digital Art; Drawing; Installation; Mixed Media; Multimedia; Painting; Photography; Print; Sculpture



Artist   Prokop Igor Eugen
Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting
Abstract, Mixed Media, Nature, Science, Symbolist
Serie  N/A
Original size  180x120cm

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Nature Riots
The celebrated painting by Igor Prokop at the London Biannale 2013

The central theme of artist Igor Prokop is the intact nature that has made him internationally renowned. The learned biologist opens up the perfect purity of the flora and fauna undisturbed by people. Through his interpretation of the untouched nature – including the microcosm and the macrocosm – he has become unique among Hungarian impressionists.
“Nature Riots” - the painting of the internationally renowned artist deeply impressed by nature - is exemplary.
As a biologist, with his microscope Igor Prokop has examined the proliferation of cells, their separation, fission and transformation. It can be seen through the magnifying glass how the cells obey the law of permanent change.
Nothing is steady, everything is changing continually.
The succession of the movement of the pictures seen through the microscope enchants the artist just like the different undercurrent images or the rivers of volcanic lava.
In this remarkable work of art, “Nature Riots”, the impressionist Igor Prokop combined the transforming cells with the impressions gained from the events happening in nature. He shows the fission of microscopic nucleus, the changes of cell flow, the rhythm of their movement projected on the scenery and the structures drawn by their explosion.
It is transformation with irrepressible force subjected to magic turmoil, the variety of shapes and the firework-like flashes of colors.
The representation of Nature’s riot denotes high intellectual standards and compositional sophistication. The delicate tracing is absorbed by the soft colors of the South Sea providing always new revelations for the viewer.



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