Mirko Siakkou Flodin - Spaltenstein-Projekt Mirko Siakkou-Flodin
Design, Digital Art, Drawing, Installation, Mixed Media, Multimedia, Painting, Print
Charity Painting web-display Opportunity!
New Spaltenstein-Projekt in cooperation with ArtWorldProject
ART-Sponsors and ART-Guests wanted!
The German www.SPALTENSTEIN-PROJEKT.eu is participating in this exciting event. As an international open source art group, our idea is, that each "Spaltenstein-Participant" buys not only one art spot for themselves, but also reserves up to four spots for other artists who cannot afford to buy one field on their own.
As a participanting artist you can buy up to 5 positions within this row, each at a cost of 10 EURO
(the same like ArtWorldProject's participation fee). One spot would be exclusively reserved for you as Art-Sponsor, the other(s) will be for sponsored Art-Guest(s).
Please feel free to apply for participation (as Art-Sponsor as well as Art-Guest) by forwarding
the following information to me (by email only): webmaster@mo-metallkunst.de
- One "JPEG" image (in RGB mode) of your work of art (min. 1 MB | max. 2 MB) as attachment;
- Your detailed contact datas (full name, address, eMail, website etc.);
Your Bio (summary);
- Title of your forwarded work of art, year of origin, technic, size and short description_if wanted (max. 100 letters);
- Information if you would like to offer the original work of art for sale; if yes indicate_your price (in EURO or US$) and if you want to donate a certain amount of this sales_price to the aid projects if it gets sold via the project (not obligating);
If you are an ART-Sponsor (host) you pay between 20.00 and 50.00 EURO (depending on the number of spots you would like to get). Payment details will be communicated by email. I will ensure that your image and all relevant details are getting into ArtWorldProject. The image of the ART-Sponsor will always be located at the right hand side of the ART-Guest(s). If you are an ART-Guest, as soon as there will be a sponsored position available I will transfer your image of your work of art into one field of row 35 (first come, first serve basis).
I'm looking forward to your participation and this exciting challenge!__
full text at www.spaltenstein-projekt.eu
Mirko Siakkou-Flodin__