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( Luxembourg )

Design; Drawing; Engraving; Mixed Media; Painting; Sculpture



Title   Pilgrim - Oil painting
Artist   artworks
Serie  Artist: Nick JAPARIDZE
Original size  105,4 cm x 75 cm

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“The creation of a work of art, its perception and understanding are two highly complex acts of the human spirit. Oil painting exists since thousands of years. My conception of painting is based on this old traditional craftsmanship, large knowledge about the technique of the old masters, combined with high fantasy. I carry my subconscious visions, dreams, feelings and intellectual approach into art. Therefore my paintings are full of symbolism, mysticism, allegories and a great mystery.”

Nick Japaridze's work is a combination of traditional Georgian murals, Asian decor and a medieval painting technique. Nick shows his emotions, moods and dreams through the symbolic language of his paintings. The artist gets inspiration by listening to meditation music while working. All the details of these works have a symbolic meaning and the characters created by Nick are variations of his moods.



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