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bze from bzeland
( France )


bze from bzeland - bze  Fotografie

livre couleur 160 pages, Editions Alternatives, oct 2006 tomski et bze
sold 25 euros via post, contact: bzeland@no-log.org or tel 06 71 83 18 80)

bze was born in 1977 in France...Self-taught, photografer and graphic designer. He met Bernard Plossu (traveler, a poetic-photografer) in university. For bze, it was the beginning of a work on the road and the alternative way of life, during six years... Author of a book with a writer called tomski “Overground-déroutants voyageurs” (Editions Alternatives-october 2006). Pictures of the road, of the streets, of outcasts...From demos to freeparties, from squats to communities, lot of people search their own happy way in life...

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Nomad's land

on the road

les mondes englouties, 2006

l'épicentre à la péripherie du vague

after 8:00

karnaval, Cadix, 2005

let your finger do it! , 2005

hate & love


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