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Shane Tweten
( Canada )

Malerei; Skulptur



Künstler   Shane Tweten
Malerei, Skulptur
Ethnisch, Figurativ, Volkstümlich, Portrait
Serie  Keine Angaben
Originalgröße  Keine Angaben

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Ansicht(en)  5356  | Gesamtwertung  3,0 / 5 (    )

There are many stories involving Thor and Jormungarder in Norwegian legend, as they were mortal enemies. Thor, a mighty god from the halls of Valhalla and known for his strength, and Jormungarder, who lived beneath the sea and was so big he encircled the earth holding his tail in his mouth, battled to the death.
This piece was handcarved from alder, painted, oiled and waxed, and has a copper band around the rim.

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