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Elina Särkkä
( Finland )

Design; Digitalkunst; Zeichnung; Mode; Mischtechnik; Malerei; Fotografie; Druckgrafik; Skulptur



Titel   Thoughts about religion
Künstler   Elina Särkkä
Portrait, Urbane Kunst
Serie  Keine Angaben
Originalgröße  Keine Angaben

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I once wrote another school essay about beliefs. I wrote precisely about people`s hunger for beliefs, emotional hunger, spiritual hunger. I predicted it`s going to be more common now after "never gave a fuck"- generation.
Jesus was a missunderstood philosopher. If we all are God`s children, how can someone be executed from "making a joke on God" saying him was his son? Also, New testament was written by several different people, telling different stories and went thru several translations before our current priests and authorities started studying it. I can`t say anything but "read it" like about most of books. Religion has done more good than bad on grassroots level. If people stop returning to prison, give up drugs or that sort of things because of religion, it can`t be completely bad.
Christ threw marketing ppl outta his church, and him would cry blood, if him would live today, that`s a story I remember. Each memory is different.

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