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Ehsan Faridafshar
( Iran )

Mode; Fotografie; Skulptur



Titel   God talk today....{.Thaipusam 2012},MALAYSIA,
Künstler   Ehsan Faridafshar
Figurativ, Surrealistisch
Serie  Life on bord
Originalgröße  100 to 70 cm

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Ansicht(en)  14565  | Gesamtwertung  0 / 5 (    )

Thaipusam 2012,the Indian festival which is located in batu caves it's one of the biggest festivals and all gods they are Caring by so many people and music and waring different stuff from clods toward makeup and the way acct and people having so many nil's in them back wich is connected to some robes and some people are holding and the guy in the front his push and they are running for maybe an hours and coming from different directions ,....i promise them gods are more than any things strong to make these people like angels flying in the winds ,how you could do such things ever men cant forget.i try to imagining that if i could do that and i realized i have never ever feel so much strong to believes......2012.

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