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gunseli toker
( Luxembourg )

Zeichnung; Gravur; Mischtechnik; Malerei; Fotografie



Titel   Simurgh (Phoenex)
Künstler   gunseli toker
Zeichnung, Mischtechnik, Malerei
Konzeptuell, Figurativ, Mixed Media
Serie  mythological stories
Originalgröße  95x130

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Ansicht(en)  6272  | Gesamtwertung  0 / 5 (    )

The king of the birds Simurgh lived on the tree of wisdom. Simurgh possessed the knowledge of all the ages and was accepted as the essence of purity that can heal any illness or wound
All birds decided to visit Simurgh which was living on the top of a mountain. They had to pass seven vast valleys to complete this painful journey.
Most of them quitted due to different causes, desire, love, talent, exception, unity, curiosity, insufficiency. Only 30 of them could reach the summit of the mountain. They recognized each of them was a Simurgh . (Simurgh means 30 birds)

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