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sooraj kannan
( India )

Digitalkunst; Zeichnung; Malerei



Titel   CANDLE
Künstler   sooraj kannan
Konzeptuell, Expressionismus, Figurativ, Symbolistisch
Originalgröße  Keine Angaben

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Ansicht(en)  7502  | Gesamtwertung  5 / 5 (    )

it is an eye....
that see the life.......
that see the vague and terrible future.............
that reflects the love from the heart.............
that secretes the sorrow.........
it is a flame......
that emits the light of soul..............
that brings blissful salvation to a doubtful mind.......
it is a wound that pains...
that never heal...
a crack that never join....
that brings generations to earth...
that keep the life continuing....
that cries with its bloody tears....
keep hands to protect that flame...
to protect that eye...
to protect that wound from scavengers........

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