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patrick trotter
( United States )

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Trotters oil paintings represent the Native Americans strong connection between nature and spirituality. selling fine art prints and canvas prints ,IF any one or any entity would like to make an offer on the collection(originals) as a whole please... Mehr

Reviews & Kommentare


patrick trotter - Great Spirit
Great Spirit
( Foto 20) 
Kommentar(e) 0 ]

patrick trotter - Contest Gallery
Contest Gallery
( Foto 8) 
Kommentar(e) 0 ]


Es liegt derzeit kein Blogeintrag vor.


patrick trotter
Magic Blanket
patrick trotter
Buffalo Spirit
patrick trotter
patrick trotter
Liberty no More
patrick trotter
Three Feathers
patrick trotter
Chiefs Blanket
patrick trotter
Great Spirit
patrick trotter
Crying for a Vision
patrick trotter
Deer Song
patrick trotter
Night Spirit
patrick trotter
Eagel Spirit
patrick trotter
Ancient Prayer
patrick trotter
Sacred Knowledge
patrick trotter
Holy Spirit
patrick trotter
Ghost Dance
patrick trotter
Elk Paryer
patrick trotter
Wovoka's message
patrick trotter
patrick trotter
Red Man
patrick trotter
ancient scripture