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Mireille Dubois Vanhove
( Belgium )

Mischtechnik; Malerei
web site

 Mireille Dubois-Vanhove is a Belgian artist who draw and paint from her early ages. A r her accounting studies, she maried and moved to Congo where she lived during 30 years. There she opened a ceramic and paint workshop. She worked on high... Mehr

Reviews & Kommentare


Mireille Dubois Vanhove - Titre aquarelles et collages
Titre aquarelles et...
( Foto 15) 
Kommentar(e) 0 ]

Mireille Dubois Vanhove - acrylic and collage
acrylic and collage
( Foto 2) 
Kommentar(e) 0 ]


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Mireille Dubois Vanhove
Quand je serai...
Mireille Dubois Vanhove
Espoir assassiné
Mireille Dubois Vanhove
Mireille Dubois Vanhove
Juste un peu de...
Mireille Dubois Vanhove
Tous concernés
Mireille Dubois Vanhove
Aussi fortes que...
Mireille Dubois Vanhove
Un monde plus sûr...