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Philippe Sokazo
( Canada )



Philippe Sokazo

For me, creation is first and foremost an act of social survival. I’ve been painting since the age of 5. Creation was as natural and instinctive as learning to speak. This necessity shaped my identity and lifestyle. I developed a personal aesthetic proposition through years of work and resilience. I travelled Europe, the United States and India to discover styles and share techniques with local artists, until Vancouver became home. This experience convinced me that Art, beyond its decorative function, plays a critical role in building societies. As humanity is inextricably linked to its environment, my creation exposes different states of existence along the scale of the two infinites, visible and invisible. By raising awareness that the smallest particle is a universe in its own right, I want to offer a positive perspective to our condition in a world bound by endless questioning, conveying simplicity, humility and joy. The creative process itself allows me to explore and exteriorise my philosophical and mystic interrogations. Through my distinctive language of sharp colours and geometric or organic shapes, I paint refreshing stories or landscapes, visions populated by characters, spirits, cells, expressions of subconscious memories. I also transform and colour the objects in my environment relative to this personal mythology. Canada and the diversity of its contrast has been a renewed source of inspiration these past few years. Notably, it materialized in “Mankind Passage” and “Pacific Spirits in Motion”, contemporary picturesque poems rich with the dreams and hopes that characterize this land.


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