Carla Marino was born in Finale Ligure in1952 she lives and works in San Lorenzo al Mare.C.Marino has loved drawing and painting since she was a child .She attended tha Artistic Liceo specialised in art subjects in Savona,then specialised in figurative arts in Academie in Torino.Her first one-woman exhibition was prepared in 1969 in Noli,and on that occasion critics said that Carla Marino's works reminded Goya's painting style.The exhibited paintings showed mainly faces and figures.During her life C.Marino has exhibited and was awarded in the most important cities in the world.She is Master of martial arts Kung Fu,and uses brushes on canvas like sword in battle.Quotation prices € 200000,00 / € 500000,00 International market.
My quotation prices are high € 200000,00/€ 500000,00, but to protest against inflation of the artists and their prices from € 12,00 to an average of € 500,00 I want to offer some of my works to make them accessible to all at € 1000,00 to € 10000,00 of any style and size . is not madness is just a protest.
Le mie quotazioni restano alte,ma per protesta contro l'inflazione degli artisti e dei loro prezzi da € 12,00 a una media di € 500,00 voglio offrire alcune delle mie opere per renderle accessibile a tutti ad € 1000,00 sino a € 10000,00 di qualsiasi stile e misura.non è follia è solo una protesta.