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Daniel Ntota-Ntontolo
( France )

Technique Mixte; Peinture


Daniel Ntota-Ntontolo

Born in 1950 in Congo Brazzaville, I did my first years of elementary school to Loudima the to Louingi (Boko) next to my  uncle.                                                                                    

At the death of this last one I successively frequent the protestant school of Bacongo and the Mansimou's.

By the lake of means, I went to Moulenda village close to my paternal family. Completely idle I went back to compain. Then I engaged in hunting and fishing. I draw totally everywhere including on the wall of my cousin's shop. One day a customer noticed my gifts and advises me to return to Brazzaville to fallow a drawing school. But not knowing who to talk, I help a parent to sell some items to Total Market.

In 1969, I meet an old friend from Bacongo's school: he talk me about the painting school of Poto-poto. But Guy Leon Filla no longer taught drauwing. I nevertheless stand at ... Zigoma received me. Ombala and Crispin Had preceded me. I started with the most rudimentary equipment: the notebook an the pencil. Zigoma fallow me. Then I grant to guache after several months of trial. I sell a selection of guaches next I start oil painting. And I participate in many group exhibitions in France, Germany, Saviet Union, Cuba, Zaïre, Nigeria and in Gabon.

 In 1977, my work is noticed by the Cultural Counselor of the embassy of France in Brazzaville. This last one grant me a scholarship to the school of Fine Art in Marseille.


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