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( United Kingdom )

Design; Art Digital; Dessin; Mode; Technique Mixte; Multimédia; Peinture; Photographie; Impression



I am a London based ARTIST. I work through various mediums. I paint and draw in ink and watercolour on paper. I also work extensively through Photography on images of my UNDERGROUND LIFE. My life is often the subject of my ART. I work in the adult industry and have gathered together an archive of dirty pictures and glamorous pictures of myself living the life of an underground artist in London. These ‘underground’ pictures can be glamorous and SEXY aswell as sometimes trashy and pornographic. They reveal the underground life of a woman artist surviving in modern day London. Down and Out in the crevices of London town! The images reveal my life and expose my risky life aswell as revealing my perhaps, tragic beauty. I am hoping to start expanding my imagery to include my wider range of interests & produce films & sound. I also produced graphic images that I mix digitally from my Photographs that can include paintings and poetry about my life, my thoughts and my mind. Most of the work is autobiographical in nature and is about me. ------------------------------- More recently I have began making films about myself and my life and this is an area than I am going to be working on further. I am going to be making more films with interesting and artistic and expressive soundtracks about me and my feelings and my mind and also what I think about things and what I have experienced and also about being a little crazy! THE GLAMOUR AND THE DIRT. THE SEEN AND UNSEEN. THE SLEAZY SEXUAL SECRETS EXPOSED! ------------------------------ I am also embarking in a new interest in The UNIVERSE, The COSMOS and SPACE, including SPACE-TRAVEL. I realise that people probably find this rather FUNNY! Its does seem completely removed from all the sexual based imagery, but infact I was always very interested in Science and I am really revisiting my real -self and real interests before I was swept along in the world of SEEDY SEXUAL SERVICES. I am continuing with my Photographic work taken on my travels around London, I have just opened a new gallery with examples of my pictures. I am hoping to take more pictures of the LONDON NIGHTS I experience, usually involving drugs and darkness, the truth of the London escort scene, sometimes fun, sometimes sad and disturbing. I am still not sure quite how I ended up here. I am concerned at the moment.--------------------------------------------I am also intending on continuing my work and expanding my interests in Space and Space Travel as I honestly find the subject to be quite fascinating. I am not sure where all this is going yet , but I hope it is somewhere exciting and imaginative as opposed to ludicrous and absurd. Visually there are many avenues and thats what matters! x I realise people find this switch of subject ridiculously ASBSURD and people are probably laughing at me lots! I imagine they are! I have seen the flying objects in the sky that HAVE BEEN DESCRIBED BY MANY PEOPLE, that fit the SAME EXACT description and I think ITS A SERIOUS subject as a result of this! Aliens are not FUNNY - especially if they are really visiting - I am sure they are certainly not LAUGHING about it. I expect they are HEARTBROKEN that HUMANITY has not been informed of the GOOD NEWS! As HEARTBROKEN AS ME! ______________At the end of the day I"M KEZ THE ARTIST - NOT FRANCIS BACON - my work is about ME & MY EXPERIENCE of this TRAGIC WORLD OF CRUELTY & CORRUPTION._____________________ Its my ART! Its my LIFE! Surely I am free to do what I want and be interested in what I want to be interested in. I refuse to accept that this is it on EARTH - I think that there MUST BE MORE OUT THERE! How can it just be us in the universe! Surely we need to evolve to find out what else is out there! xx--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- And more - There's more in this MIND than just seedy Sex in Soho! Don't you know!!! Lots of new work coming soon! So watch out for more beautiful Photographs of SEXY LONDON UNDERGROUND LIFE and more KEZ films and music and paintings.....Lots of work on its way from KEZ the ARTIST! x SO MORE WORK ON THE WAY!! I've got a new project I'm starting with a FASHION photographer - can't wait! Me modeling (of course) HA!!!! YEAY I"M A MODEL!!!!! Also I'm playing guitar again and I'm hoping to write some new songs (don't come easy...but I have lyrics flowing and I keep getting some nice sounds and chords flowing - so I'm hoping some new music is ON THE WAY!!!!!!!!! I'm really pleased with how my ART is progressing and I'm FUCKIN working at it!!!! I can tell you people his is NOT EASY!!!!!! I do not have much DOE to pay bills and my life is a bit of a stinking mess!! BUT I'm carrying on!! The music is SPECIAL and songwriting isn't easy - but I can tell you I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! AND I LOVE MY GUITAR!!! AND I LOVE A GOOD SING SONG!!!! SO not ONLY that FILMS!!!!!!! FILMS are on the way!!!! GOT how many hours are there in the day????? NOT ENUFF!!!!!!!! So much work to do and so little time!!! I love ya folks!! Keep watching and supporting me - coz this life is HARD! Its a TUFF life of an UNDERGROUND ARTIST!!!! I'm pouring my heart soul and blood out!!!!! Its for art, love life and us HUMANITY!!!! SO off I go to write!! ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT: 07887484662  EMAIL : kezart@me.com  (my phones been nicked so I only have the one number now!)


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