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Sophie Prins-Gapinski
( France )

Drawing; Mixed Media


Sophie Prins-Gapinski

Sophie is born in 1960.

Master of Arts in Ethnology at the University of Paris X – Nanterre, 1985. Doctor’s thesis in comparative anthropology and ethnology at the University of Paris V Sorbonne, 1987. Studies of restoration and conservation of works of art at the MST, Paris I –Tolbiac, 1988-90. Master of Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in the field of restoration and conservation of works of art, painting and polychrome sculpture, 1995. Additional diploma works in painting and drawing at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, Faculty of Painting and Drawing, 1995.

Collective exhibitions: 1994 and 1995 in the Academy of Arts (ASP) of Warsaw, Poland. 1994 in the Ursynow art gallery in Warsaw, Poland. 1997 in the Polish Embassy in Washington, USA.

Personal exhibitions:1995 Expo d’Art, town hall of Turckheim, France. - 2004, "Société Générale Saint Dominique", France. - 2008 "Dr Koehler GmbH Gallerie", Braunschweig, Allemagne. - 2008, "Dom Polonii", Krakow, Poland. - 2009, Poznan Archibishop's museum, Poland. - 2009, Evelyne Heno's Gallery, 27 rue Casimir Perier, 75007 Paris, France. - 2010, Gallery 117, 117 rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris, France. - 2010, Pelplin Bishop's museum, Poland. - 2010, "Fort Blauwkapel", Netherlands. - 2010, «Galeria Autorska », Bydgoszcz, Poland. 2010 Town-hall, 116 Rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris, France. - 2011, "Société Générale Saint Dominique", 106 rue Saint Dominique, 75007, Paris, France. -2011,  "Société Générale Paris-Breteuil" , 78, avenue de Breteuil, 75015 Paris, France. -2011, Sala Ceramista Gimeno, Manises, Valencia, Spain. - 2012, Sala Delger, Caldes de Montbui, Barcelone, Spain. 2013, Salle des Bastides, Castelnau-de-Montmiral, France. 2013, Musée d'Art Moderne  et Contemporain, Maison du Grand Fauconnier, Cordes-sur-ciel, France- 2013, ZPAP Dom Plastyka, Galeria na pietrze; ul. Ducha Sw. 8/12, 87-100 Torun, Poland.

“Sophie PRINS-GAPINSKI, the great-granddaughter of the Impressionist Pierre PRINS, is a restorer and conservator of works of art, who graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Warsaw, Poland. As a restorer she could have limited herself to her conscientious work, her perfect knowledge of the old masters’ techniques which she reproduces. We admire her extremely accurate reproductions of masters’ works from the 14th and 15th centuries. She shows the style of these two epochs very well, moreover, her exact brush line succeeds in reflecting the lines, the colour and the atmosphere of the paintings she reproduces. Apart from her personality typical for a restorer and copyist, carrying out very precise and elaborate work, which is culturally significant, she is also an artist in her own right, who is at home painting large formats with spontaneity and vigour. She is thus the exception to the rule. She is also an artist for whom painting is a domain evoking emotion and enthusiasm. It is such a pleasure to look at her pumpkins on canvas - painted in warm and sensitive colours with fast brush movements. The surface texture, light and bold forms on paper and her large collage compositions are amazing.” Maria LUSZKIEWICZ - JASTRZEBSKA, „MARIA JAS”, artist 

"...The artist expresses her fantasies with greater freedom In works showing gigantic leaves from improbable trees. Creating both figurative and abstract works, the artist uses all manner of materials: paper, gauze, grains of sand, flower petals, tea leaves. These vegetative variations reflect in browns, yellows, grays and violets. The colors are autumnal, warm and in honeyed tones. As in Dubuffet’s landscapes, the surface of the paintings is made up of varying thicknesses, thus presenting as it were small pictures within the picture.” Pierre SEJOURNET, Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace, n° 204, 3/09/1995

"Sophie Prins-Gapinski is creating a new reality. She is creating it with her paintings and her collages. This reality is neither finally determined nor is it unambiguous. But then neither do we perceive the sun or the stars as they are at the moment, but as they were many light years ago, and as they are now – screened by space and air, in the shadow of our habits. The world that surrounds us is full of illusions. Irrespective of how beautiful the world would be, the suspicion that it is only an illusion is difficult to accept. This gives rise to our yearning to create our own realities, to which we try to appropriate what are in our opinion characteristics of beauty, the wish to create art. This urge is what motivates Sophie Prins-Gapinski. Her delicate and poetical works are at the same time decisive in form and matter. Their poetic nature is emphasized by their ambiguity. Their decisive construction disappears and is protected by the mild colours and flickeringly penetrating layers of matter. The author is talking to us in the language of art, known for so many years, but simultaneously she is using the materials of contemporary art. This is the advantage of her creativity, that her work - her art – the trace of her individual experience – can be ambiguous and universal. In Sophie’s works it is the freshness of vision of motives well-known to us that is so charming, it moves us and attracts our attention once again. Her modesty and accuracy in choice of materials are equaled by her invention and ability to portray a fascinating artistic vision. These are indeed very interesting works." Wojciech MÜLLER, artist, 10/2008


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