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Joseph Rabie
( France )

Digital Art; Drawing; Installation; Multimedia; Photography


Joseph Rabie

Joseph Rabie is a biodegradable member of the human race but is happy to tell you that decay, dry rot or any other form of physical or mental diminishment has yet to compromise my incredibly good humour. As a disclaimer, kindly note that my children may be of a contrary opinion. In real life I ran a multimedia company called Magelis in the south-western French city of Toulouse (where Airbus makes the biggest passenger aircraft ever flown), and finally ran it into the ground, as making capitalism work has never been my forte. Indeed these days I think that decapitalism might be the answer.

My art work is situated in the field of interactive photography, defined as "photographs which are not only sensitive to light, but also sensitive to the beholder's scrutiny". A caress upon the picture's surface brings out the sun and makes the birds sing, or transforms the urban morphology of a town...

This work explores the theme of psychogeographical studies, the elucidation of the sense of place - the genus loci - via the artistic exploration of the perceptual attributes which give each site its unique character and identity. Computer code allows the picture to be multiple and changeable, and opens up a new territory of expression which apprehends the form, narrative, emotion... the entire philharmony which the orchestration of each place reveals.

My photography is concerned with the body as well as the eye... where and how one positions the camera to best mediate the relationship between one's own anatomy and that of others. The "gutworks" technique places the camera at midriff level: the impossibility to view directly forces a relinquishment of control over the composition of the photographic image which favours the ephemerality of the photographic act itself.

My political activity has brought an involvement with online activism, have set up virtual online demonstrations where people from all over the world can come together around the expression of common, progressist ideals.


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