Painter born in 1973 ( Metz, France.)
Lepolsk Matuszewski is passionate about drawing and painting since age 6. The design is already a passion since 1979 (first gestural painting), and spends most of his childhood in illustration and sculpture, then moving towards the visual arts for research on natural materials applicable on stretched canvas.
In 1992, the painter sets aside the gestural painting and offers an innovative approach, the antithesis of abstract art, called "INNABSTRAIT" and plays with densities in combination with natural materials, light and very strong very dark shadows. The association "Shadow and Light" becomes inseparable see enigmatic called Mirrors, Asylum and Ignis Anima.
18 years later, Lepolsk creates series of paintings FUSION. A meeting between the paint and material. The year 2010 announced a revival for the explosions of colors and materials which give off a high energy striking the sensitivity of viewers both in exposure in public performance.
"I try to distract and lead paint from gestural abstraction called" action painting "by adding new materials and using "dripping technic". The meeting between my painting and matter ... My vision intuitive gestural art, period!"