Erik Muff Reinert
Erik Muff Reinert born 1967
I`m primarily autodidactic (self-taught), although a have participated in some traditional art education in Copenhagen.
I have been compelled to paint and draw since childhood.
For many years I worked as AD, within the commercial side of the visual arts, I found this to be a monotonous grind, and the pressures of the corporate world unbearable, and left this work to pursue a more creative and rewarding path .
I participated in a county project, to help troubled youth, during this time I produced hundreds of different shapes in our workshop, all diverse and completely random, each shape was a one off, totally unique, something I find curious and captivating.
Alongside the youth project I took many walks on the beach, and gathered washed up storm debris. I was inspired by the forms and randomness of the objects, and started to draw, paint and carve on the various driftwood and debris, creating many of the pieces exhibited here.
Together with shape, form, texture and randomness, my work is an on-going venture into the uniqueness and wonderment of nature. With the beguiling found objects she presents to me, this is an ongoing subject and theme I intend to continue to explore…
May we never loose our ability to wonder.