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Jose Rizal
( Indonesia )

Zeichnung; Malerei; Druckgrafik


Jose Rizal

Jose Rizal was born on the 11th of September 1980 in Medan, North of the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Jose Rizal soon dreams of independence and leaves his household to discover life, to discover the world.
Open to everything, to everyone and to each experience he goes through, he leaves his destiny to the street and to encounters. As Medan had become too familiar to him, he leaves Sumatra at 12, following more than ever his incredible thirst for life and discovers.
After 2 years in Jakarta, still hungry for new discoveries, he moves to Bandung, then to Pangandaran, and after to Yogyarta. He travels through Indonesia: Bali, Sulawesi, Kalimantan... and then comes to Europe first in Germany and in Holland, and later in France.
He lives, comes, leaves, comes back. As a man of nowhere, a man of everywhere, he is carried by his freedom, his encounters, and the street’s aura of creativity. His friends are musicians, painters, performers, tattooists, fancy jewelers or travelers. The encounters he makes are multi-cultural; he goes to each tourist or passing-through stranger and welcomes them as his brothers. He shares everything: his culture, his country, his smile, his songs, his guitar chords.

Yet, wherever he goes, he remains particularly attached to Yogyakarta, “Jogja” for intimates, in particular to the “Girli” communauty in which he is an active member since 1998. This collective of artists coming from the street organizes each year a national event in order to promote street creativity through concerts, paintings, performances...

Since the end of 2009 he lives in Europe, on the Mediterranean side.


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