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CHANGES Exhibition in cooperation with

Exhibition: OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 20 2011          
Regular exhibition opening hours 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
The CCRN is located at 28, rue Münster - L 2160 Luxembourg. 
Tél.: (+352) 26 20 52 1       
Read about the CCRN        (see map)

We thank all artists for their paticipation and interest in our contest. 

WINNERS - to see the Picture Gallery please scroll down

Two artists were honored by the 2011 CULTUREINSIDE ART AWARD at the opening of the exhibition and a gift, the artbook "The Unseen Tibet" by Zhao Lishan, Bejing.

Winner : Myriam Ziade, Luxembourg-Lebanon. She received the best rating of the jury. 

Winner of the public prize : Beatrix Jourdan, Senegal.

Moreover all laureates & finalists receive a free one-year-subscription to the PRO services - the CULTUREINSIDE Promotion and sales service.

Winning Artists "Lauréats" 
(exhibiting in the Abbaye)

Nikzad Arabshahi (Iran)
Myriam Barbara Ziade (Luxembourg- Lebanon)
Georg Buhl (Germany)
Diana Carey (USA)
Peter Ciccariello (USA)
Nebojsa Despotovic (Serbia)
Ehsan Faridafshar (India)
Barbara Greene Mann (Canada)
Laurence Gourguechon (France)
Ayesha Hayat (USA)
Jefta Hoekendijk (Belgien)
Emmanuel Jahan (France)
Beatrix Jourdan (Sénégal)
Nick Katkov (Russia)
Yukiko Koyasu (Japan)
Paolo Mara (Italy)
Adam Martinakis (Greece)
Christine Petrou (Greece)
Tina Psoinos (Greece)
Volker Schütz (Germany)
Zdenek Sopousek (Norway)
Igor Vaganov (Russia)
Diane von den Steinen (France)

In addition two artists are selected as finalists and show the series of their artworks in the online show and on the flatscreen in the exhibition space.

Finalists : (in the online show and on flatscreen)

Stephan Postius (Germany)
Mike Quest (Luxembourg) 

Winning Videos (shown on flatscreen)
Myriam Barbara Ziade (Luxembourg/Lebanon) 
Hyeyoung Yun (France/South Corea)
Igor Vaganov (Russia)

Winning Sculptors - Installations (shown on the flatscreen and in the online exhibition)

Michel di Nunzio (Belgium)
Alan Bougouin ( France ) 
Sam  Dougados (France)
Brendan DAVIS (Germany)
Signe ADMINE-BUGEJA (Luxembourg) 
Yehudit Mizrahi (Netherlands)

Curatorial committee

1. Jef Bourgeau, artistic director of the MONA - Museum of New Art Detroit, USA
2. Florence Hoffmann, sculptor, curator, Luxembourg 
3. Gliaugir, artistic director, curator, Germany
4. Gila Paris, artist and curator, Luxembourg 
5. Frank Shifreen, artist, teacher, curator, New York  

CULTUREINSIDE congratulates all participants to the high number of creative works submitted to the competition CHANGES. The Jury and CI team is very impressed by your entries, by specific conceptual ideas and the efforts undertaken to create new works in the context of CHANGES. We thank you all for your high interest and efforts. We thank the jury members for the good and time-consuming job, they did. 



Title   Justicia
Artist   CHANGES

Serie  Artist: Georg Buhl
Original size  N/A

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