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Zsuzsa Mathe
( Hungary )



Zsuzsa Mathe - Transrealism  Peinture

Attila József, the great Hungarian poet, writes in his poem
`Welcome to Thomas Mann` (1937)

"... You know this well: the poet never lies,
The real is not enough; through its disguise
Tell us the truth which fills the mind with light
Because, without each other, all is night. ...

His words inspire my style, I call Transrealism.

Transrealism is the art of the 21st century fulfilling the long awaited return to the basics: art is communication, and it shall be understandable by the observer; it shall not expect the audience to be sophisticated or educated in the subject. Instead it is the artist's responsibility to be versed enough in their profession and their tools of art to be able to express themselves to convey a message and be universally understood.

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