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sid lane
( France )

Mischtechnik; Malerei; Fotografie; Skulptur

sid lane - a ittle bit of me. 

des petits bouts de moi. un peu de puzzle.. un peu felée.. perchée. à little bit broken. a little bit of me.. what I am.. and what I like... for you to guess the rest..
galerieZurück Weiter

hello?? Operator???


please yes. play....

oops my slingback shoe...

flashing out of the car

flashing in the car

getting out of the car

hommage to helmut. 1

hommage to helmut 2

hommage to helmut 3.

hommage to helmut 4.

hommage to helmut 5

stay cool.

work in progress

No Title


the bare truth


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